Auto Color Match in Photoshop


How To Auto Color Match in Photoshop  

If you’re ever making a composite image in Photoshop, one is the most common obstacles to overcome is colour matching. Fortunately, Photoshop has a load of features that can help us with this. From manual colour correction to hue and saturation layers. There’s a hidden way in Photoshop that allows balancing colour and tone automatically. Watch the tutorial video to discover how to auto color match in photoshop and in the description we go through it step-by-step.

Auto Color Match in Photoshop | Photoshop Tutorial

How To Auto Color Correction in Photoshop


1. Click on the Create new fill or Adjustment layer Icon.


2. Select Curves.


3. On the Curves layer make sure you have the Curves icon select and not the mask.


4. In the Curves Properties panel hold down Alt (PC) or Option (Mac) then left-click on the Auto button.


5. A hidden Colour correction option panel will appear.

how to auto match colours in photoshop


6. Select the option to Find Dark & Light Colours.

– Tutorial continued below –

How To Color Correct in Photoshop


7. Now, under the Target Colours and Clipping click on the box next to Shadows.


8. The Colour Picker window will appear to Target Shadow Colors.

Target Shadow Colors


9. Find the darkest colour in the selection that you want to match from.

How To Auto Color Match in Photoshop


10. If, like in this example, the darkest colour is not dark enough, you can adjust it by moving this small circle around. Moving down darkens, up lightens, left de-saturates, and right saturates.


11. Once you’ve got a nice dark complimentary shadow colour click OK.


12. Now do the same for the highlights.


13. Try to keep the highlights nice and bright with only a hint of colour when you Target Highlight Colors.

Target Highlight Colors


14. Click OK when you’re happy with the colour of your highlights.


15. If you want to change the colour of your shadows and highlights again just repeat the above steps.


16. Once you’re happy with both Shadows and Highlights click OK.

How To Auto Color Match in Photoshop


17. We don’t want to save these changes as default so click No.

How To Auto Color Match in Photoshop



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